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World Summit

UN World Awards Summit

​​​​​​About the World Summit on the Information Society Prizes

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is organizes a competition in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Where the best applications and accomplishments that have adapted networking and information technology to fulfill the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the Sustainable Development Goals are selected in eighteen divisions (SDGs).

This award is given out during the World Summit on the Information Society Forum, and applicants must go through five phases: (project submission, nomination, voting, selection, and prize ceremony).

Previous Saudi Achievement in the WSIS prizes:

  • Award for The Ministry​ of Enviroment and Water Agriculture " Enma" platform 2022
  •  ​​Award for The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture's licensing portal project in 2019
  • Award for The Ministry of Education's self-service platform for human resources in 2018
  • Award for Program (Ataa Charity) Charitable Advocacy Foundation in 2016
  • Award for Majmaah University's system (committees and councils) in 2015.
  • ​Award for (Fares) Education Project 2014
  • Award for (Linking schools) Project for the Ministry of Education 2013
  • Award for (Safeer) program for higher education in 2013
  • Award for (Hafiz) program for the Human Resources Development Fund in 2012
  • Award for (Noor) educational system in 2012
  • Award for The Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Award, and the Enrichment of Local Content for the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in 2020
  • Certificate of excellence for your career and Scholarship Program in 2016.
  • Certificate of excellence for developing the digital curriculum for King Saud University in 2016.
  • Certificate of excellence for Security awareness project in the field of communications and information Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2017.
  • Certificate of excellence for A draft court without papers for the Ministry of Justice in 2017
  • Certificate of excellence for the advanced electronic services project Ministry of Labor in 2017.
  • Certificate of excellence for The Muslim Scholars Contribution Portal for Tatweer Company for Educational Services in 2018
  • Certificate of excellence for Aramco's digital assistant project in 2019.
  • Certificate of excellence for Aramco's digital identity project in 2019
  • Certificate of excellence for King Saud University electronic portal project in 2019.
  • Certificate of excellence for the draft system for reserving midterm and final exams for Majmaah University in 2019.
  • Certificate of excellence for Salik application project for Majmaah University in 2019.
  • Certificate of excellence for a project to protect my environment for the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in 2019.
  • Certificate of excellence for Blood donation application project for Al Majmaah University in 2019.
  • Certificate of excellence for The (Tanfeeth) program of the Ministry of Justice in 2020
  • Certificate of excellence for (Anam Plus) platform for the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in 2020
  • Certificate of excellence for The electronic visa project for the Ministry of Tourism in 2020
  • Certificate of excellence for The (GoGeek) project for King Khalid University in 2020
  • Certificate of excellence for Qassim University Skills Record Project in 2020
  • Certificate of excellence for Aramco electronic donation application in 2020
  • Certificate of excellence for Remote areas project for Saudi Telecom Company (STC) in 2020

The phases of the tenth edition of 2021 of the United Nations Awards for World Summit Projects Information:

The first phase:

Submission phase

(Septamper​ 7 to December 12 , 2022).

The second phase

Nomination phase

The second phase involves a team of experts reviewing the submitted projects, with a list of nominated projects consisting of (360) nominated projects, with (20) projects for each award category (December 13 to December23, 2022)

The third phase

Voting phase

Determines the top five projects from each group based on the highest number of votes (December 24  to january 25 ​, 2023).

The fourth phase

Selection phase

selection of winning project by the experts group 

(january 26  to February 10 ​, 2023)​.

The fifth phase

The winners will be announced during the United Nations awards ceremony for the projects of the World Summit on the Information Society at the Forum of the World Summit on the Information Society, which will be held during the period 

(May 14, 2023).

For more information about the award and to apply for it, please visit the link

(WSIS​ Prizes 2023).​