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World Summit

The importance of the Summit

The global information society is advancing at a rapid pace. Telecommunications, multimedia broadcasting, and information and communication technologies are rapidly convergent, resulting in the emergence of new products and services, as well as new business and commerce models. At the same time, new markets for competition, foreign investment, open up commercial, social, and professional opportunities.

The modern world is also undergoing a radical transformation, as the industrial society that was one of the twentieth century's hallmarks accelerates to make way for the twenty-first century's information society. This dynamic process ushers in fundamental change in all aspects of our lives, including spreading knowledge social interaction, economic and labor practices, political participation, media, education, health, welfare, and entertainment. For discussion at the global level, as well as achieving harmony in the related areas.

Communication and information technologies

would provide a powerful tool for achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in eradicating poverty, hunger and disease, provided that:

  1. Communications can be accessed at a low cost and from anywhere in the world.
  2. Communication access is regarded as a fundamental right.
  3. There is a transparent, predictable, and competitive policy framework in place.
  4. Human resources will be trained and available.

In order to create a global economic stimulus, world leaders must recognize the need for an appropriate framework for the global community and cyberspace characterized by the following:

  1. Limiting the existing obstacles that prevent the conclusion of global deals.
  2. Respecting the needs of developing countries.
  3. Ensuring wide participation in the decision-making process.
  4. Adopting existing policies with the electronic environment in which the Internet is dominant.

Accelerating the implementation of Communication and information technology

Systems will also support developed countries if world leaders are encouraging :

  1. Infrastructure growth as a top priority and an integral part of national e-strategies.
  2. The most appropriate technology is disseminated based on success stories.
  3. Providing financial assistance to countries in need of infrastructure growth.

Leaders around the world must take action to ensure that the Information Society is based on a stable foundation, including:

  1. Network security and continuity agreements.​
  2. Addressing citizens' questions about online anonymity, trustworthiness, and linguistic diversity.​​
  3. Undermining the use of networks for criminal and fraudulent pure