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ESCWA hosts a workshop on The Academy of Information and Communication Technologies for Development Project for Government Sector Leaders in the Arab Region


The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), represented by the Department of Technology for Development's Information and Communication Technology Policies Section, is hosting a workshop titled "The Academy of Information and Communication Technologies for Development for Government Sector Leaders in the Arab Region: Evaluating Achievements and Future Visions" for government sector leaders in the Arab region.

This is part of the execution of the Academy of Information and Communication Technology for Development's initiative for leaders in the Arab region's government sector. The Academy's project aims to assist Arab governments in developing advanced capacities in information and communication technology for development, removing barriers to accelerate social and economic development and achieve the Millennium Development Goals and sustainable development goals. Within the framework of the Academy's project, and based on a regional survey to assess the region's needs in the field of ICT training for development, ESCWA has prepared four training modules in Arabic. ESCWA seeks to distribute these units in the Arab region through regional and sub-regional training courses and workshops to train the trainers. The Academy project also aims to strengthen the capacity of national partners, in particular training institutions in the field of public administration, information technology bodies and e-government authorities, and to pave the way for the development of training programs (including new training units) by stimulating the participation and adoption of national institutions and interested parties.

In order to optimize the Academy's effect and maintain its long-term viability, it must go through this procedure. ESCWA held two training of trainers workshops at the United Nations House in Beirut between the 8th and 12th of June 2015 and the 24th and 27th of August 2015, which were attended by 106 ICT experts from 14 Arab countries, including 88 experts who were trained to become trainers on project units in their countries, 14 national project coordinators, and 13 experts who contributed to the revision.

All parties involved in public administration, including national governmental and academic bodies, are forming cooperative relationships that incloud The workshop's topics include the project's current state, activities, performance indicators, progress in implementing national goals, project assessment, and alternative possibilities for its long-term