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Three Saudi Government Bodies Receive Certificates in the WSIS 2017 Forum


During The World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS 2017), three Saudi Government Bodies received certificates of excellence for their participation in the (WSIS Prizes), an international contest developed to recognize individuals, governments, and organizations for leveraging the power of ICTs as an enabler of development.

The prizes ceremony held in Geneva awarded The Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a Certificate of Excellence in the area of Building Confidence and Security in the Use of Information and Communication Technology for its ‘ICT Security Awareness’ project.

The Ministry of Justice also received a Certificate of Excellence in the category of communications and information technology applications for its ‘Paperless Court’ project. While the Ministry of Labor received a Certificate of Excellence in the category of communications and information technology applications for its project for developing advanced e-services.

His Excellency the Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission, Chairman of the National Committee for the Information Society, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Salem Al-Ruwais congratulated these three Saudi Government bodies. “CITC and NCIS will continue to support the WSIS agenda to transition to an information society”. Dr. Al-Ruwais emphasized.

Each year, KSA participates in the WSIS forum with a specialized delegation made up from members of various sectors, to highlight the Kingdom's strategies and efforts to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program.​